Juventus, Sarri: "It will be a beautiful match, there are no favourite...
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Date: 05/10/2019 -

Juventus, Sarri: "It will be a beautiful match, there are no favourites"

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After a convincing 3-0 win against Bayer Leverkusen, Juventus approach another important game, arguably the most important one yet, as the Bianconeri prepare to travel to San Siro to face their rival Inter in the Derby d'Italia. Coach Maurizio Sarri touched upon many themes during the pre-match press conference, including Dybala and the Scudetto race: "It won't be a decisive game for the Scudetto, in that perspectiveI think this game will count less than nothing. Tomorrow we will play agains a strong team. There are no favourites in this game. I only see two strong teams. It's a great feeling to be playing in a game like this. Inter is a complete team, very dangerous and good at countering. It will be a beautiful game. Dybala or Higuain? I'll take my time to make a decision. I think it's normal to be angry when you don't play".

Finally, Sarri discussed the progress made by his team in the last few weeks: "We must confirm the progress we are making. At this stage we must be very focused on our performance. Our average ball recovery line has become higher than the first few matches. We made a point to focus on this, we must go and impose our football with quality. Then the game will tell us if we need to adapt to other phases as well."

Tags: Juventus


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