FIGC Commissioner Fabbricini: "Italian football needs a change. Pirlo?...
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Date: 22/08/2018 -

FIGC Commissioner Fabbricini: "Italian football needs a change. Pirlo? Our doors are always open for him"

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After being in charge of the Italian federation for 7 months, commissioner Roberto Fabbricini explained what could be the right formula to reinvigorate Italian football: "We need a reform. Italian football needs a change if it wants to survive - Fabbricini said to Corriere dello Sport - I am in favour of a reduction of the number of teams in the top two Italian leagues. If Serie A had 18 teams and Serie B had 20, things would be better".

Fabbricini also commented on the first months of Mancini's tenure with the Azzurri: "He is the right man for this new Azzurri's course. He is a good coach, he has a lot of experience and he really wanted to coach Italy. Pirlo? We decided to bring him to the national team managerial group, but then we found out he already had a deal in place with Sky and that would have been a conflict of interest. When this conflict of interest will go away, our doors will be always open for him", concluded the FIGC commissioner.

Tags: Serie A


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