Benevento, president gives transfer updates on Napoli target Cicretti...
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Date: 27/12/2017 -

Benevento, president gives transfer updates on Napoli target Cicretti and Antalyaspor's Sandro: the situation

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President of Benevento, Oreste Vigorito, spoke to Radio CRC about the rumors surrounding Amato Ciciretti. The player has been heavily linked with Napoli and the president had this to say, "For Ciciretti no offer has arrived, everything I have heard has been from the TV or the radio. If someone wants to take him now, they must speak personally with us, if not then he will decide from February 1st onward if he wants to conclude his experience here with us and sign a preliminary contract elsewhere. For me he is not on the market, so there are no demands that must be satisfied, but if those who are interested want to propose something then I will listen to all offers that arrive. With Napoli there has been no contact and it is difficult for us to be a desirable location for their current players, but if something were to arrive we would evaluate it altogether."

He then went on to speak about their market and any incoming transfers, "Guillherme has already arrived and we are just waiting for the moment for him to be assimilated, while we are working on Sandro: it is difficult due to our current standings in the table."

Tags: Napoli


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