Padova closing in on Cherubin; deals for Calvano & Morganella on horiz...
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Date: 09/01/2019 -

Padova closing in on Cherubin; deals for Calvano & Morganella on horizon

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After the quick progress made over the past hours, Nicolò Cherubin is a just a step away from joining Padova. The defender has terminated his deal with Verona, and the deal to join Bisoli's squad just needs to be finalized.

Padova is looking to add more than just Cherubin, as Verona midfielder Simone Calvano is also a target. The discussions to acquire the player are progressing and a deal could be completed sometime today or tomorrow. Morganella is also close to joining, as the player is already in Padova and a deal should be completed within a few hours.

Tags: Padova


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