There is a very odd situation brewing between Napoli and Younes. Napoli believes they have signed the player from July 1st onward, while the player made statements saying that he has yet to sign for the club. Napoli's lawyer, Mattia Grassani, spoke to Radio KissKiss Napoli about the situation and to respond to the player's comments: "That which surprises Napoli is the statement from Younes. For those who have followed the story and negotiations, the fact that he says he has not signed anything almost makes you smile. There is a signed contract and a signed transfer from Younes that begins on July of 2018. There are 31 signatures, he cannot remember his signature but he signed with his agent and Italian lawyer. There are a lot of contracts deposited with the league during the winter session, the ball is in the court of Younes: from his statements it seems he wants to break the agreement made."
One of the questions he was asked was whether anyone who wants to sign Younes must negotiate with Napoli first, his response was, "Yes, Younes is a Napoli player from July 1st, 2018, whoever wants him must negotiate with the club. What could happen to Younes if he doesn't respect his contract? Can Napoli use a non-sportive method of justice? Until the contract is valid, the club can't do anything unless responding to Younes. If from July 1st the contract is not honored by Younes, then Napoli will intervene from the sporting justice point of view since they can sanction the player and the eventual club he signs for."