Juventus' seventh Scudetto in a row, his fourth one on the Bianconeri's bench: Max Allegri will celebrate this night: "I've got an important team, with great players that do a fundamental thing in football: they get to pass the ball to each other, there's then a club that has always supported me and the players in the difficult times. The balance is key, we've had some particular moments like the first game versus Napoli, but we've remained serene after the second game loss and got back on track. Congratulations to Napoli that made it difficult, they won a points records" has told the coach to Sky Sport.
"My players have character, you can't win in football without it. In some moments you'll need luck but you have to make your own. I want to thank the historical group, that especially during the first year, has welcomed me in the best way. This year I realized that we couldn't play like we did last year so I changed, putting some of the players in discussion. My decisions have always been made according to the interests of the team".
"Playing in a good or bad way is relative, I care a lot about what past coaches have taught me. If at some point I'd need to play badly to win I'd do it: You don't make the people happy by being the esthete but by winning. There are things you can't explain in football, so many shades that you can't reduce everything to play in a good or bad way. I'm saying this without removing credits to the teams that have surely played in a better way than Juve. In the end there must be some results".