Genoa, Rossi: "My debut in Nazionale is my best memory. My adventure u...
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Date: 19/05/2018 -

Genoa, Rossi: "My debut in Nazionale is my best memory. My adventure under this shirt isn't over yet"

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Giuseppe Rossi is back, one more time. He fell but got up as we're now used to. After a move to Genoa last year, Pepito is back on track and has scored again against "his" Fiorentina: "When you have fragile knees, you must come back setting your mind in the right direction. If your mental's fragile too, it would be hard for you to have the strength to go forward" has he told to Il Corriere dello Sport.

Many injuries in his career but the idea of retiring has never come across in his mind: "These are things others have said, I've never thought of retiring. Last summer I felt tired after only one hour in the gym, then I wondered why I was doing it since being a free agent. I did it to get back and succeeded. I'm at Genoa, back on the pitch. And above all, back scoring goals. I still have some satisfactions to have".

Satisfactions or dreams, it's not really different for Giuseppe. "Wearing the Nazionale jersey has been incredible for me. The first time with the Italian national team is my best memory: about 12 years before I was the stadium spellbound from Baggio's plays and a bit after my 20 years I was there singing the anthem with World Cup champions... Something indescribable". That's why the national team is Rossi's number 1 objective: "I wasn't there for the 2010 and 2014 WC, neither for the Euro. My dream to wear that shirt isn't over yet: I know I'll have to deserve the call-up but I'll do my best".

Tags: Genoa


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