Fiorentina, Laurini: "How to stop Napoli? Play like Juventus have"
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Date: 06/12/2017 -

Fiorentina, Laurini: "How to stop Napoli? Play like Juventus have"

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Napoli-Fiorentina, Laurini talks about his "maestro". The French wingback has started to take his place in the Viola and had had his first satisfactions with his new shirt: credits also goes to... Sarri. Laurini describes his former coach in an interview given to Il Corriere dello Sport: "He's a hammer, one of these people that don't let anything go. You have to try again and again if something doesn't work so that mechanisms get working. In Europe, I haven't seen a team as organized as is Napoli. The fact is you're always on the training pitch with him, you could get there at 9am and leave in the evening at 8pm. He was always there, working, studying, always finding the best solution. He's one of these people that like to live with the team".

Laurini also gives advices to his teammates before facing the Azzurri: "Juventus have won respecting their opponent and waiting for the right moment. We should do the same, also because we won't go on the pitch as victims. Facing champions like Insigne hasn't any price, it's pure adrenaline. How to stop him? It's really simple: if you think you're one step ahead of him, he's able, with a feint, to leave you where you are. The team will have to work well and play as a group. We can't forget Napoli are used to attack with all their players, we'll have to be perfect".


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