Fiorentina, attempt to sign Obiang. Race with West Ham for young Josip...
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Date: 14/08/2016 -

Fiorentina, attempt to sign Obiang. Race with West Ham for young Josip Magnajic

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In the past few days Fiorentina made an attempt to sign Pedro Obian from West Ham, however without finding a deal with the Hammers.  Fiorentina were ready to make a 5 million euro offer.

The two clubs are also in a race for the talented Josip Magnajic, talented class of '99 from Hajduk Split who still has one year left on his contract with his current club. The player's entourage is working to let him leave and West Ham is ahead because of Billic who personally wants the young striker. Fiorentina isn't letting go and is very intent in signing this youngster with a very promising future.




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